
As you may suspect, Tivesse is not the name I was given at birth. But it is the name I use to be creative or to invest myself in creative use of brush, paint, or pen.

So, as many imaginative teenager do, I created a name for myself while playfully engaging my friends in word games. Tivesse. Where does it come from? A Portuguese-English dictionary. I was learning the language at the time to talk with my Brazilian cousins. But, once created, the name has never left me. Roughly translated, it means, “I would have had”.

A couple of decades have passed since the playful day I gave myself that name. When I found the courage and encouragement to put brush to canvas and pen to paper and then actually share this all with you…well then, the only name I wanted to share it by is Tivesse.

Oh, and the more typical information you may have been hoping to find on a Bio page? Well, I was born and raised in Michigan. I’ve lived in Wisconsin, Washington (state), and New York (state-not city!)

My parents gave me two incredible gifts that have lasted me a lifetime; a love of learning and a work ethic. So I have a bachelor and a master degree. Both involve people and communications of ideas.

I’ve worked ever since I was 16 and the number of jobs and careers that I have had is wild…and I don’t think I’m done yet! My career has had a trinity of emphasis of putting order to chaos, transferring skills and information to others, and facilitating getting things done. Oh, and all my work is done with a love of Quality.

Thank you for letting me share the important things of my life with you.
