
My dear friend, 

How are you? I hope this letter finds you well. Me? I’ve been “Adulting” as of late.

“Adulting” seems to be an in-vogue term I’ve been hearing that seems to refer to one’s responsibilities as an adult often with resentment. I’ve heard it used in reference to work and reasonable times one should be in bed…even consuming “adult beverages” responsibly! Adulting seems to come with it a resentment and pouting for the loss of one’s childhood and youth were one was (allegedly) not responsible.

For me, I’m using “Adulting” differently. I don’t have any resentments about what I’ve been doing or have to do. I look back to my younger years where I had an over-developed sense of responsibility and a lacking of what I needed to make a difference. Today, as an actual adult, I’m tickled to be one! I like being an adult. Yes, there are responsibilities but there are so many more upsides!

As an adult I can earn money and I can determine how it is spent. I have choices–lots of choices! I can choose how I feel. I’m not a child with a child’s understanding but an adult who has been gifted experiences–lots of experiences. I have accumulated the gifts of perspective, wisdom, and knowledge. And I can use these gifts in situations to be kinder and more gentle with my thoughts and reactions to myself and others.

So to me, “Adulting” is a very satisfying activity. That isn’t to say it isn’t without its challenges. But, the truth is, I am an adult. And sometimes I think I’m rather alone in my enjoyment while encountering other adults. And that makes me sigh. Sigh.

You know what the best part of Adulting is? When I choose Not to be an Adult! The moments I get to suspend time and be that child with deep silliness again…giggles and laughter at small things.

As an Adult, I can be both…adult and child…that is now my Adulting prerogative… I hope you can be both too my friend…

Until we meet again, please take good care of yourself…both of you…
