
My dear friend,

How are you? I hope this letter find you well. Me? I’ve been “adulting” as of late.

“Adulting” seems to be a recent term created to refer to the responsibilities of an adult with resentment. I’ve often heard it used to describe having to go to work and have reasonable bedtimes–even to describe consuming “adult beverages” responsibly! I hear “adulting” said  resentment and pouting for the loss of childhood, adolescence, and you where one was allegedly not responsible.

But I am using “adulting” differently. I honestly have no resentment for this time. I didn’t think my childhood or youth was all that particularly irresponsible or light-hearted. I think that time was of an over-developed sense of responsibility acquired early in life. What I lacked then was the true means to make a difference. But I have that now. So now I’m celebrating being an adult; I’m celebrating “adulting”!

Yes, there are responsibilities but there are so many more upsides to being an adult. I can earn money and I can determine how it is spent. I have choice. I can also choose how I feel. I’m not a child with a child’s (appropriate) understandings but an adult who has been gifted experiences (lots of them!). And as an adult I can treasure all my experiences as they give me the gifts of perspective and wisdom. And I can use those gifts in situations to be kinder and more gentle with my thoughts and reactions to myself and others.  So to me, “adulting” is a very satisfying activity.

This isn’t to say that “adulting” isn’t without its challenges. Oh no. I believe sometimes I’m rather alone in my enjoyment of this application of “adulting”, experiences, and my approach to combining all this will my interactions with others. And this makes me sigh. This doesn’t mean I lose perspective on my own stance–it is just an invitation to myself to continue to grow…become more of an adult.

You know what the best part of adulting is? When I choose to NOT be an adult. The moments I get to suspend time and be a child again-but a child who knows the deep joy of silliness and laughter and giggles.

Yes, I can be both an adult and child if I live from deep within my heart into the world. I hope you can too my friend.

Until we meet again, please take good care of yourself.

